Tuesday, September 18, 2018


1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

Yesterday, I had a totally different scripture to reflect on and talk about. This morning however, God changed the direction of my heart towards the topic of acceptance. Let me also start this blog off by saying that I'm not perfect as no one is. Acceptance is something I have struggled with my whole life and still struggle with today. I didn't realize this until recently. I figured I would write on this not only to encourage you but myself as well.

We have to understand that sometimes God sets us apart because his plan for our lives are so much bigger than this world, or even we can understand. There comes a time where we have to come to accept and love ourselves, the way he does. For the most part, I have accepted and love myself the way he made me, disability and all.

Most people want me to be healed, I did too at one point. Do I wish this now? To be quite honest, no, I don't. Why don't I? Because, God is starting to show me pieces of the whole picture that I couldn't see during my storm. However, now that the light is shining, I can start to see glimpses of the whole picture for my life. Have you ever thought that maybe what you're so self conscious about, or are suffering from may not only make you grow, but may also be a tool used to fulfill your purpose in your life? I sincerely think so. If people don't accept you like in the scripture above, pray, forgive, and move forward! The phase "Dance like no one is watching takes on a whole new meaning, praise like no one is watching! :)


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